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Show Hamamatsu Avalanche Photo Diode 1713019359

This is all the information about APD 1713019359. If it is wrong, edit the data.

Subdetector specification:  
Serial: 1713019359
Type: Hamamatsu Avalanche Photo Diode
Detector: assigned to 1713019359/1415016221
Unit: #2628 (barcode 1309031238)
Preamp: 0
Current location: Bochum
Installation information:  
Label: blue
Manufacturer information:  
Wafer position: F07
Break-through voltage: 418 V
Voltage for Gain 100 (T=+25°C): 389.3 V
Dark current: 2.7 nA
Screening Logistics:  
Available: No
Storage Box: 260
Position in Box: 13
EP1 batch: none
EP1 batch after irradiation: 10304
Grid number: none
Position in grid: none
Arrival for irradiation: none
Sent for analysis after irradiation: none
Return for assembly: none
Date: none
Dose used: none
Temperature: none
Position: none
Bias voltage: none     
Date: none
Temperature: none
Duration: none
Measurement results:  
Voltage for Gain 100: T = +20 °C: 389.7678838 V     T = -25 °C: 353.6716829 V
Voltage for Gain 150: T = +20 °C: 397.6677252 V     T = -25 °C: 361.2374673 V
Voltage for Gain 200: T = +20 °C: 402.0461548 V     T = -25 °C: 365.5152204 V
Gain/Voltage slope at M = 100: T = +20 °C: 4.636198889 V-1     T = -25 °C: 4.959815699 V-1
Gain/Voltage slope at M = 150: T = +20 °C: 9.177706043 V-1     T = -25 °C: 8.949763611 V-1
Gain/Voltage slope at M = 200: T = +20 °C: 14.26843761 V-1     T = -25 °C: 15.61868623 V-1
Break-through voltage: T = +20 °C: 413.3618271 V     T = -25 °C: 381.5414084 V


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Version history

Time Author Change comment
26. Oct 2021 10:49:28 CEST oafedulidis Assigned to capsule by script
10. May 2021 14:00:32 CEST oafedulidis Updated box and position via API.
05. Feb 2021 11:21:46 CET jreher Updated box and position via API.
11. Aug 2020 17:50:33 CEST jreher Updated APD characteristics via API.
21. Jul 2020 14:34:17 CEST jreher Updated box and position via API.
05. Dec 2019 14:37:04 CET jreher Updated box and position via API.
05. Dec 2019 14:35:00 CET spankonin Updated box and position via API.
05. Dec 2019 14:33:03 CET spankonin Updated box and position via API.
03. Dec 2019 14:46:20 CET jreher Updated APD location via API.
02. Dec 2019 19:19:18 CET spankonin Updated box and position via API.
02. Dec 2019 19:13:38 CET spankonin Updated APD batch assignment via API.
23. Jun 2016 11:42:33 CEST Tobias Imported from Hamamatsu datasheet.